We reserve the right to amend our terms and conditions without notice. By using our services, you agree to our terms and conditions.
1.1 Estimation costs can be provided at the time of booking but will be subject to reassessment of the dog on the day. With the owner’s agreement, some cost adjustment may be necessary concerning the dog’s size, unkept or neglected coat and the time and style required to groom the dog. We also consider overweight or oversized for the breed, aggressive, senior, nervous or timid dogs that require additional handling.
1.2 Please ensure your dog has been walked and been to the toilet before their appointment and pet service.
2.1 All dogs must be up-to-date on their vaccinations and flea/tick treatments.
2.2 All dogs must be free of fleas and ticks. An additional charge of £20 will be added to your bill if we find them and have to treat your dog before the groom. If we find any fleas, we will need to flea bathe your dog and after that deep clean our salon to prevent further contamination. We will always consult you before any additional service to confirm your agreement.
2.3 The Groomer reserves the right to refuse service to any dog not up-to-date on vaccinations or flea/tick treatments or has a flea infestation.
2.4 Please inform Us of any pre-existing coat or health conditions your dog may have. If you require a specific shampoo for your dog, you are expected to supply this product at your own expense.
2.5 All services are at the discretion of the Groomer.
Whilst in our care, all dogs are treated with the utmost care and attention. We will ensure your dog is safe and secure and we only use superior quality products. We will not continue with a groom if your dog becomes severely anxious or aggressive. We recommend owners have dog insurance.
3.1 All dogs must be well-behaved and not aggressive toward other dogs or people. We ask you to familiarise yourself with the Dangerous Dog Act 1991.
3.2 We may need to use a muzzle on your dog for its safety and that of the groomer. We have a selection of comfortable, various-sized muzzles which allow your dog to breathe normally and drink. A muzzle serves to both calm the dog and prevent damage or injury.
3.3 If your bitch is in season or pregnant you will need to re-book your appointment, as we are unable to groom her during this time. We refer to the Dangerous Dog Act and ask for at least 48 hours' notice of a reschedule to avoid the cancellation charge noted below.
3.4 The Groomer reserves the right to refuse service to any aggressive or unruly dog that may present a risk of injury to itself or our staff.
3.5 The owner must agree to inform us if their dog is known to be aggressive or has ever bitten anyone. The owner understands that they will be legally liable for the consequences of all bites caused by their dog. If a dog shows excessive aggression during grooming, we have the right to use a soft muzzle. If we are unable to complete the grooming due to aggressive behaviour or injury to the groomer or pet, the owner agrees to pay for any work carried out to that point.
4.1 We will always abide by the Animal Welfare Act 2006; it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal. Your dog’s welfare is paramount to us and they shall be treated with the utmost care.
4.2 We will conduct a health check before and during the grooming session and we will notify the dog owner of anything we find. It will be the owner’s responsibility to seek veterinary advice. We are not medical professionals and our health checks do not replace the need to take your dog to vets for check-ups, advice, and treatment.
4.3 If any parasites are found during the grooming session the client agrees for them to be cleared at the client’s expense plus any subsequent costs for cleaning and decontamination. We may ask you to reschedule your appointment to a time when your pet is free from infestation.
4.4 If the health of the pet causes concern, the client authorises Scamps Grooming Parlour to obtain veterinary treatment at the client’s expense.
4.5 We supply bowls of fresh water, available at all times to prevent your pet from getting dehydrated during their pet service.
4.6 We offer dogs treats during their grooming to reward good behaviour.
5.1 Scamps Grooming Parlour works to a strict time frame to ensure that your pet receives ample grooming time. Please arrive on time. If you are longer than 15 minutes late, we may have to reschedule your appointment.
5.2 All dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier when entering the parlour.
5.3 Every effort will be made to groom your dog to meet your expectations. It must be made clear, however, that no guarantee can be made in this regard, and we accept no liability for a groom carried out according to your instructions, but not to your visual expectations. Records are kept to track progress and it may take several grooming sessions for the coat to grow to your desired style.
We understand that sometimes customers must cancel an appointment, however in recognition of the fact that we may be unable to fill the appointment at very short notice; customers are liable for a surcharge payment of the grooming session for late cancellations with less than 24-hour notice. This is at the discretion of Scamps Grooming Parlour. We ask that you make a cancellation as far ahead as possible.
6.1 All new customers will be asked to pay a deposit of £15 per booking
6.2 A £30 deposit is required for any booking of two or more dogs.
6.3 A £30 deposit is required for any large-breed dog booking.
6.4 Less than 24 hours’ notice to cancel or amend a booking will incur a charge of 50% of the appointment cost.
6.5 A ‘No show’ will incur a charge of 100% of the cost of the appointment which must be paid in full before any other future bookings.
6.6 All deposits are non-refundable.
6.7 All deposits are deducted from the final bill
Scamps Grooming Parlour will always put your dog’s interest and welfare first. We abide by the Animal Welfare Act 2006. We have a duty of care towards our dogs and will always attempt to de-mat a coat, but only if we feel that the animal will not suffer pain. We will only shave a dog’s coat to prevent unnecessary suffering. Shaving the coat is often quicker and kinder to the dog and more humane. Often dogs can be traumatised by unnecessary hours of de-matting, putting them off grooming for life. When a dog is presented in a severely matted condition, it is our policy to shave the whole coat using electric clippers with a closed blade. To de-matt would cause the dog tremendous stress and discomfort. Removal of matting is essential in the treatment and prevention of hotspots and sores, fungal and bacterial infections, yeast infections, flea infestations, moist eczema, mites, lice, maggot infestation, urine and faeces scalding, eye and ear infections, severe itching, scratching and redness.
7.1 We reserve the right to de-matt and shave the coat very short to properly groom a severely affected coat. This treatment is not routine and your dog may look very different afterwards with their hair being very short and close to the skin. This may expose pre-existing skin complaints. We will seek the owner’s consent before carrying out such procedures.
7.2 If your dog has a severely matted coat our policy is to remove the coat by shaving close to the skin using electric clippers. This can in some cases cause skin irritation or skin nicks from close shaving. Examples are but are not limited to, irritation, redness, cuts and bruises. Conditions can already be present beneath the knots and matted areas that are not visible until the mats have been removed. Having mats removed that are so close to the skin can make your dog feel uncomfortable for a few days so be aware that they may cause injury to themselves from scratching. Please see our Aftercare Advice.
7.3 For dogs with a heavily matted coat, an additional fee will be charged
7.4 I, the client, agree that Scamps Grooming Parlour will not be held responsible for any effect that this has on the dog after the grooming session is complete.
7.5 Scamps Grooming Parlour will provide aftercare advice on how to prevent the matting of your dog in the future.
8.1 For marketing and promoting, Scamps Grooming Parlour may take photographs of work carried out on dogs being groomed to demonstrate Scamp's services and quality of work. This may be used on Scamp's website and social media networks.
8.2 The owner agrees for photographs of their dogs to be taken and used on the Scamps Grooming Parlour website and social media.
9.1 All dogs must be picked up within 15 minutes of the appointment finish time.
9.2 We respect your confidentiality and will not share your details without your prior consent.
9.3 All payments must be made in full upon the return of your dog minus any deposits paid.
10.1 I the client confirm my pet is fit and healthy and I have informed the groomer of any health conditions and all the details are correct.
10.2 I agree that the groomer will not be held liable or responsible for irritation, abrasion, patchiness or hair loss due to ant pre-existing skin conditions or as a result of the grooming process; de-matting, thinning, stripping or shaving or any other mishap caused by the non-disclosure of my pet’s medical condition or behaviour.
11.1 For Scamps Grooming Parlour to provide you with our pet services, we are required to obtain and store limited information about you and your pet. Information we obtain from you will never be shared with any 3rd parties.
11.2 You have the right to request and review any of your personal information. Please make any requests to
Revised 27 November 2024
Amended by: W Benson
Authorised by: R Benson